Essay/Term paper: Battle of the sexes
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Most men are Physically built stronger then women. They have the ability to do more physically demanding jobs such as construction, movers, bouncers at bars,and many of the other jobs that involve strength and power. Women aren't all unable to do these jobs so they are forced to work as secretaries, clerks, and many of the mentally demanding office jobs. There are exceptions though such as the big 250 pound butch women and the skinny frail men who switch roles and that is perfectly fine. This becomes a problem when the massive dumb man wants to be a successful secretary with his amazing eight words per minuit typing speed and the skinny little twig woman wants to be a lumberjack. Men and women have to realize that some jobs are meant for someone more fitting then what they are.
When god created women, he gave them the ability to have children. This advantage kind of gives women superiority over men. I'm sure if men were able to they would have children, but they can't. Back in the eighteen hundreds it was expected that women stay home and take care of the children and the men would work and bring home the money to support the family. Today there is still the man that goes out and works for a living and the woman who stays home and watches the kids, but we are steering toward a balance between the two. Families consist of two working parents and children. This compromise shows signs of gained equality on the womens side.
What is the first thing that comes to your head when you hear the word hockey? Is it Wayne Gretzky? Or maybe the Edmonton Oilers. One thing that you definitely don't see is a pack of women chasing a ring around the ice with sticks. Hockey to the male is an aggressive sport of blood and guts with enough excitement to keep you intoxicated with the thrill of the sport for the two hours that it is on. Womens hockey or ringuette may be exciting but it doesn't have the louring violence that hockey has. Just listen to the name ringuETTE, anything that ends in ETTE has to be a womens sport. If ringuette was half as good as hockey they would have Ringuette Night in Canada, however they do not. The same goes for football and baseball, men simply have this area of domination in the bag.
In conclusion, it would not be fair to say that men are better then women or that women are better then men. What you can say is that there are some things that women can do better then men and there are some things men can do better then women. But when it comes down to it, men are still ahead of women. In the future though we will probably end up equal after all we did have a head start and just like the black Americans,equality was not reached overnight. > èèèè
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